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何正权 教授
作者:yjs 点击数:时间:2017-07-12 03:58:53










植物分子生物学与基因工程; 植物育种与细胞工程






   Hanlin Zhou, Ruizhi Yan, Huan He, Xinlin Wei, Shuangcheng Liu, Bintao Guo, Yonghong Zhang, Xiaoyun Liu, Shafeeq Ur Rahman, Chao Zhou, Zhengquan He*, Transcriptional profiling of long noncoding RNAs associated with flower color formation in Ipomoea nilPlanta, 2023258, 6.

      Yu, M.; He, Z.; Li, S.; Lu, Z.; Chen, J.; Qu, T.; Xu, J.; Qiu, W.; Han, X.; Zhuo, R. SpHsfA4c from Sedum plumbizincicola Enhances Cd Tolerance by the AsA–GSH Pathway in Transgenic Populus × canescens. Agronomy 2023, 13, 760.

      Fei Xu, Ye Peng, Zheng-Quan He*, Lu-Lu Yu*, The role of cyanoalanine synthase and alternative oxidase in promoting salt stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biol, 2023, 23, 163.

     张佳,王慧杰,何正权*,刘文真,农杆菌介导的籼稻9311和华占遗传转化体系的研究,中国水稻科学, 2023, 37(2): 213224.

     王剑超,邱文敏,金康鸣,陆铸畴,韩小娇,卓仁英,刘晓光,何正权*,伴矿景天WRKY基因家族鉴定及镉胁迫响应分析.南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2023, 472):49-60.

     Yue Zhu, Wenmin Qiu, Xiaoyang He, Longhua Wu, De Bi, Zhiping Deng, Zhengquan He* , Chao Wu, Renying ZhuoIntegrative analysis of transcriptome and proteome provides insights into adaptation to cadmium stress in Sedum plumbizincicola, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 230, 113149.

      Xu, D.; Yang, C.; Fan, H.; Qiu, W.; Huang, B.; Zhuo, R.; He, Z.*; Li, H.; Han, X. Genome-Wide Characterization, Evolutionary Analysis of ARF Gene Family, and the Role of SaARF4 in Cd Accumulation of Sedum alfredii Hance. Plants, 2022, 11, 1273.

     Li, S.; Han, X.; Lu, Z.; Qiu, W.; Yu, M.; Li, H.; He, Z. *; Zhuo, R. MAPK Cascades and Transcriptional Factors: Regulation of Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 4463.

      Zhou Chao, Liu Xiaoyun, Li Xinglei, Zhou Hanlin, Wang Sijia, Yuan Zhu, Zhang Yonghong, Li Sanhe, You Aiqing, Zhou Lei*, He Zhengquan*. A Genome Doubling Event Reshapes Rice Morphology and Products by Modulating Chromatin Signatures and Gene Expression Profiling. Rice. 2021, 14(1): 72.

     Zhuang Zhang, Wenmin Qiu, Wen Liu, Xiaojiao Han, Longhua Wu, MiaoYu, Xuelong Qiu, Zhengquan He*, HaiYing Li, Renying Zhuo, Genome‑wide characterization of the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii F‑box family under cadmium stress,Scientific Reports, 2021, 11: 3023-3035.

      L-L Yu, Y Liu, F Zhu, X-X Geng, Y Yang, Z-Q HE*, and F. Xu*, The enhancement of salt stress tolerance by salicylic acid pretreatment inArabidopsis thaliana[J], Biologia Plantarum, 2020, 64: 150-158.

      Liu Zheng, Shuangshuang Chen, Lihua Xie, Zhuchou Lu, Mingying Liu, Xiaojiao Han, Guirong Qiao, Jing Jiang, Renying Zhuo, Wenmin Qiu, Zhengquan He*Overexpression of cysteine protease gene fromSalix matsudana enhances salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis[J]Environmental and Experimental Botany2018147 :53-62.

     Wenjing Qian, Chao Wu, Yaping Fu, Guocheng Hu, Zhengquan He*, Wenzhen LiuNovel rice mutants overexpressing the brassinosteroid catabolic geneCYP734A4[J], Plant Mol Biol, 201793:197–208

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