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刘文 副教授
作者:yjs 点击数:时间:2018-07-14 20:12:34












刘文,男,1986年出生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,湖北省植物生理与分子生物学会常务理事,三峡大学生物学学科主任,湖北省三峡特色植物繁育工程技术研究中心办公室主任。2008年本科毕业于武汉大学生物技术专业,2015年博士毕业于武汉大学发育生物学专业,同年进入三峡大学生物与制药学院工作。主要从事五倍子等药用植物功能基因组学研究及盐肤木资源收集和新品种选育,挖掘到一系列调控植物发育、抗逆和次级代谢物合成的关键基因。主持国家自然科学基金2项,湖北省自然科学基金1项,其他厅局级和横向项目7项,授权国家发明专利6项,以第一作者或通信作者在Cell ReportsPlant Biotechnology JournalNew PhytologistPlant PhysiologyJournal of Experiment Botany等期刊上发表高水平SCI论文10余篇,其中ESI高被引论文1篇,获湖北省优秀自然科学论文二等奖一项。主讲《植物生理学》、《高级植物生理学》等课程。


1. Yunxie Wei#, Binbin Zhu#, Wen Liu#, Xiao Cheng, Daozhe Lin, Chaozu He, Haitao Shi*. (2021) Heat shock protein 90 co-chaperone modules fine-tune the antagonistic interaction between salicylic acid and auxin biosynthesis in cassava. Cell Reports, 34(5): 108717. (SCI, IF=8.8, TOP期刊,中科院分区一)

2. Yu Yan#, Wen Liu#, Yunxie Wei, Haitao Shi*. (2020) MeCIPK23 interacts with Whirly transcription factors to activate abscisic acid biosynthesis and regulate drought resistance in cassava. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 18: 1504-1506. (SCI, IF=13.8, TOP期刊,中科院分区一)

3. Yunxie Wei#, Wen Liu#, Wei Hu#, Yu Yan, Haitao Shi*. (2020) The chaperone MeHSP90 recruits MeWRKY20 and MeCatalase1 to regulate drought stress resistance in cassava. New Phytologist, 226: 476-491. (SCI, IF=9.4, TOP期刊,中科院分区一)

4. Jiahui Wang#, Yang Yang#, Lingzi Liao, Jiawei Xu, Xiao Liang, Wen Liu*. (2019) Genome-Wide Identification and Functional Characterization of the Phosphate Transporter Gene Family in Sorghum. Biomolecules, 9(11), 670. (SCI, IF=5.5,中科院分区二)

5. Wen Liu#, Changlan Wang#, Xiangling Shen, Hongwei Liang, Yubing Wang, Zhengquan He, Dechun Zhang, Faju Chen*. (2019) Comparative transcriptome analysis highlights the hormone effects on somatic embryogenesis in Catalpa bungei. Plant Reproduction, 32: 141-151. (SCI, IF=2.707, 中科院分区三)

6. Wen Liu, Yu Yan, Hongqiu Zeng, Xiaolin Li, Yunxie Wei, Guoyin Liu, Chaozu He, Haitao Shi*. (2018) Functional characterization of WHY-WRKY75 transcriptional module in plant response to cassava bacterial blight. Tree Physiology, 38(10):1502-1512. (SCI, IF=3.389, TOP期刊,中科院分区一)

7. Wen Liu, Xiangling Shen, Hongwei Liang, Yubing Wang, Zhengquan He, Dechun Zhang, Faju Chen*. (2018) Isolation and Functional Analysis of PISTILLATA Homolog From Magnolia wufengensis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1743. (SCI, IF=3.677, 中科院分区二)

8. Xiaolin Li#, Wen Liu#, Bing Li, Guoyin Liu, Yunxie Wei, Chaozu He*, Haitao Shi*. (2018) Identification and functional analysis of cassava DELLA proteins in plant disease resistance against cassava bacterial blight. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 124: 70-76. (SCI, IF=2.718, 中科院分区三)

9. Haitao Shi*#, Wen Liu#, Yunxie Wei# and Tiantian Ye. (2017) Integration of auxin/indole-3-acetic acid 17 and RGA-LIKE3 confers salt stress resistance through stabilization by nitric oxide in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68(5): 1239–1249. (SCI, IF=5.354, TOP期刊,中科院分区一区)

10Yunxie Wei#, Wen Liu#, Wei Hu, Guoyin Liu, Chunjie Wu, Wei Liu, Hongqiu Zeng, Chaozu He* and Haitao Shi*. (2017) Genome-wide analysis of autophagy-related genes in banana highlights MaATG8s in cell death and autophagy in immune response to Fusarium wilt. Plant Cell Reports, 36: 1237–1250. (SCI, IF=2.989, 中科院分区二区)

11. Haitao Shi#*, Wen Liu#, Yue Yao, Yunxie Wei and Zhulong Chan*. (2017) Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (ADH1) confers both abiotic and biotic stress resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Science, 262: 2431. (SCI, IF=3.712, 中科院分区二区)

13. Wen Liu, Rong-Jun Li, Tong-Tong Han, Wei Cai, Zheng-Wei Fu and Ying-Tang Lu*. (2015) Salt Stress Reduces Root Meristem Size by Nitric Oxide-Mediated Modulation of Auxin Accumulation and Signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 168: 343–356. (SCI, IF=6.456, TOP期刊,中科院分区一区)

14. 刘文,尹飞飞,陈发菊,梁宏伟,王玉兵,桑子阳,杨洋,龚清. 一种盐肤木体细胞胚胎发生与植株再生方法, ZL 2022 1 0879521.3.


1. 基于茉莉酸信号途径的RcMYC2-RcUGT62基因模块在五倍子单宁合成中的作用机制,国家自然科学基金面上基金(32370393)20241-202712月,50万,主持,在研。

2. 上游开放阅读框对拟南芥G蛋白α亚基的蛋白翻译调控作用及其机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金(31701061)20181-202012月,23万,主持,已结题。

3. 五倍子丰产稳产高效栽培技术研究,五峰土家族自治县林业科学研究所委托横向项目,20211-202412月,120万,参与,在研。

4. 资丘独活种苗繁育及品种选育关键技术,宜昌国傲药业有限公司委托横向项目,20207-20246月,参与,在研。

5. 苍术、柴胡等中药材品种选育与繁育技术研究,湖北宜昌众赢药材种植专业合作社委托横向项目,20211-20251月,30万,主持,在研。

6. HSP90在调控植物根系向性反应中的作用及其机理研究,湖北省自然科学基金项目(2018CFB509),20181-201912月,5万,主持,已结题。

7. 木薯抗细菌性枯萎病分子机理研究,三峡区域珍稀植物遗传与种质创新重点实验室(筹)开放基金(2018KBC02),20185-20205月,5万,主持,已结题。


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